Mores are strongly held norms which
are essential to the welfare of the people and their cherished values.
Bicolanos have moral or ethical
values, and thus going against them is offensive to the standards of
righteousness and right behavior. They consist of large part of taboos, acts
which are prohibited or forbidden. Incest, child abuse, battering wives, and prostitution
are examples.
The Ten Commandments is also a mores.
There are reactions towards the mores as seen in the attitude towards those who
encourage child labor are child prostitution, drug addiction and drug pushing.
On the other hand there are also
sanctions that are positively expressed in terms of what one is obliged to do,
such as a man must support his family, that a citizen must serve his country
and show concern to community welfare.
There are also other folkways and
mores observed in Bicol like holding family reunions, showing respect to the
elders by kissing their hand, visiting the grave of the loved ones, making Stations
of the Cross during Lent and respect to the flag is also taught in the homes as
well as in school.
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