
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bicol customs and folkways

Folkways are passed from generation to generation whose violation is generally not considered serious within a particular culture.
Folkways include habits, customs, expected behavior, modes of greetings and farewell, rituals and ceremonies.
Usually various folkways in courtship are followed in the rural areas. A boy may ask the help of intermediary to introduce him to her. He may also serenade the girl but this practice is now waning. He can send love note to the girl. But it is also waning nowadays because of modern technologies. He may also visit the girl to her house. Today chaperonage not already.... practiced or the group dating. Parental approval is also sought by the boy and the girl before they get married. If it is not given or allowed, then the couple usually elopes, married secretly, or just has a "live in" arrangement, although these practices are still frowned upon.
When the boy and the girl have agreed to get married, then the "pamanhikan" is made. This is the formal asking of the hand of the girl or the approval of her parents by the boy's parents.

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