Culture is transmitted.
It is transmitted orally and by
writing, as well as consciously or unconsciously fromone generation to another
or within the same generation in an endless number of ways. Mass communication
plays an important role in transmitting culture wherein it involves also the
disciplining of the child's impulses toward changes or developmentof attitudes
which are essential in one's social life.
By means of
conditioning,imitation,suggestion, identification, reward and punishment and
also formal instructions, children pay attention to things going on aroud them.
With these different ways of transmittion of culture they easily modify their
own behavior when told to do so. Also, these increase knowledge and growing
awareness ofwhat the culture considers right or wrong. Thus, though time had
passed by, transmission on culture from generation to generation will not there
Culture is shared.
The transmission of culture will
continue its flow in the interacting with one another and result to the emerge
out of the social life of the people. Common experiences unify people. Shared
cultures makes the society's interaction more meaningful and enable them to
predict each others behavior.
Culture is patterned and integrated.
Culture is integrated not simply by
its dominant economic activities and social patterns but also by enduring
themes, values, configurations and world views.Culture is well-integrated when
there is conformity between the actual behavior and the actual norms.